Lord Ganesha with Different Strokes....

Lord Ganesha- a lord of success and remover of obstacles, and the mystical symbol Om [] are the cultural mnemonics of India. Capturing the spirit of Lord Ganesha in different manifestations has always been a dream of an artist. And achieving the very essence of it in a few strokes is really an art of minimalism. Apart from the artistic elegance, it has the power and appeal to connect with you in any form. Last week I installed an app called Calligraphy Art which is really good for drawing elegant & beautiful letterforms. Here are the few drawings I tried with this app and with iDraw app.  


Drawn on iPad with Calligraphy Art.


Drawn on iPad with iDraw.


Drawn on iPad with iDraw. 


Drawn on iPad with iDraw. 


Drawn on iPad with iDraw. 


Drawn on iPad with iDraw. 


Drawn on iPad with iDraw. 


Drawn on iPad with iDraw. 


Drawn on iPad with iDraw. 

Project Euler- Problem 1

Here is the Euler problem 1

If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.

Inspired by the Bret Vector's interactive demos,  I just wanted to create the solution involving some interaction. So here is the Mathematica code-

Manipulate[Total[Select[Range[x], Mod[#, 3] == 0 || Mod[#, 5] == 0 &]], 
{{x, 1, Style["Number", FontFamily -> "Myriad", 12]}, 1, 999, 1, Appearance -> "Open"},
Alignment -> Center, BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Avenir Light", 36}, FrameLabel -> Style["Sum", 12]]

You will require Wolfram CDF player plugin [download here] to view this demo.